Study Today on 8/12/2017 (Sat)
Write a function that computes the volume of a sphere given its radius.
def vol(rad):
return (4.0/3)*(3.14)*(rad**3)
Write a function that checks whether a number is in a given range (Inclusive of high and low)
def ran_check(num,low,high):
#Check if num is between low and high (including low and high)
if num in range(low,high+1):
print " %s is in the range" %str(num)
else :
print "The number is outside the range."
Write a Python function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not.
Note: A palindrome is word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run.
def palindrome(s):
s = s.replace(' ','') # This replaces all spaces " " with no space ''. (Fixes issues with strings that have spaces)
return s == s[::-1] # Check through slicing
Write a Python function to check whether a string is pangram or not.
Note : Pangrams are words or sentences containing every letter of the alphabet at least once.
For example : "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
Hint: Look at the string module
import stringd
def ispangram(str1, alphabet=string.ascii_lowercase):
alphaset = set(alphabet)
return alphaset <= set(str1.lower())
return (4.0/3)*(3.14)*(rad**3)
Write a function that checks whether a number is in a given range (Inclusive of high and low)
def ran_check(num,low,high):
#Check if num is between low and high (including low and high)
if num in range(low,high+1):
print " %s is in the range" %str(num)
else :
print "The number is outside the range."
Write a Python function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not.
Note: A palindrome is word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run.
def palindrome(s):
s = s.replace(' ','') # This replaces all spaces " " with no space ''. (Fixes issues with strings that have spaces)
return s == s[::-1] # Check through slicing
Write a Python function to check whether a string is pangram or not.
Note : Pangrams are words or sentences containing every letter of the alphabet at least once.
For example : "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
Hint: Look at the string module
import stringd
def ispangram(str1, alphabet=string.ascii_lowercase):
alphaset = set(alphabet)
return alphaset <= set(str1.lower())
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